We welcome you to the Methodist Church in Burton Latimer

We are a small church with 18 members and have recently amalgamated with Central Methodist Church (Kettering) to form one church worshiping in two places.  We belong to the East Mercia Circuit. 

The web site gives details of our services and church activities.  You are warmly invited to join with us in worship and at any of our activities. 

***Please see our News and Updates for news.***

Worship area
Worship area

The church is open on Sundays for scheduled morning worship to begin at 10.30am on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the Month.  Check out the notice boards outside the church building for more details as there is not a service at Burton Latimer every Sunday. Would you like  copy of the preaching plan?  We can email it to you-get in touch contact@blmchurch.co.uk.
On the 1st Sunday of each month we open at 4pm for Messy Church.  On the 2nd Friday of each month we open at 1pm for the BLM Hub.

You can find up-to-date information on our Facebook page and in our Welcome Booklet.

We are a safeguarding church.

It is with great joy that we have welcomed Rev. Noel Nhariswa to Burton Latimer Methodist Church. Previously serving in Zimbabwe, Noel and his family have relocated to share ministry for the usual five-year appointment. Noel was first stationed in 2004, and has served in several Circuits, as Superintendent, and Connexional Youth Coordinator. His previous appointment was as Principal at Chemhanza School. The school is owned and run by The Methodist Church for pupils between 6 and 18 years, has 2000+ pupils some of whom board, and is one of the most highly rated education establishments in Zimbabwe. You can read more at:
https://www.herald.co.zw/more-to-chemhanza-than-justhigh-pass-rates/ .
He has a long association with Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade.  Married to Rutendo, they are blessed with two sons—Isheanesu & Anopaishe.


Reverend Andrew Farrington is our Circuit Superintendent who joined our circuit in September 2019. Andrew has over 20 years of experience in ministry following a successful banking career. Prior to joining us he held Superintendent posts in Wednesbury and the Staffordshire Moorlands Circuit based at Cheadle. He also works with the Connexional Grants Committee and has been the District Grants Officer at Chester and Stoke.
His hobby is acting and he has a passion for Shakespeare and Wagner but also enjoys many comedies and satirical shows — TV and Radio.
He is joined in Kettering by his wife Fiona who has been a Lay Pastoral Worker in Cheadle and both enjoy 'Messy Church' activities. His personal guiding verse is 'If anyone would follow me, they must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow me.' (Mark 8:34)


If you wish to contact either of our ministers, or for general enquiry, please use our contact email contact@blmchurch.co.uk

Our People

We are a small church but we are strong in the things we think important. People are committed to each other in the love and support they offer, not just in the spiritual things, but in many other ways. Our people are at different stages in their faith journey and are always willing to learn from each other. When new people join us they are usually surprised at the warmth of our welcome and the quality of our worship and fellowship. When we meet to discuss the life of our church we are open to try new ideas. There is a strong desire to move forward in our walk with Jesus. 

Christmas at BLMC 2018
Cafe-style worship

New Members

Are you looking to join a church?  You are most welcome to come along to any of our services where you will be assured of a warm welcome.

If you have any questions, please get in touch by email at contact@blmchurch.co.uk.

Would you like to read more about our Church?  Read our welcome booklet here.