Sunday Together
Sunday Together took it's first steps in November 1981 and was promoted as 'An evening to Sing, Say and Do; an evening just for you!' Initially to give people the opportunity to express their interest and talent, also to explore the vastness of the Christian World. Music and song is an important ingredient but from small beginnings and listening to those who have attended, the present programmes encompass visiting speakers yet still yearning to involve Christian People with something to give.
The evenings were held in the Spring and the Autumn usually the 3rd Sunday , 7.30pm to 8.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall [ Sometimes in The Chapel ].
We are eternally grateful to the late Roger Keach who organised these wonderful evenings of fellowship. Roger was sadly taken from us in January 2020. He will we be sadly missed but fondly remembered by all of us at Burton Latimer Methodist Church.

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